So I got 2 rightguard body washes ( i wanted 6 but I got the last 2 on the shelf and they didnt have any in the back
3.99 on sale b1g1
-3.99 b1g1 coupon= free
2 right guard deodrants 4.49 ( would not have gotten these if they had body washes) b1g1
-3.99 b1g1 coupon (but staes on there not to go over 3.99) didnt realize that till after I paid
total after sales coupons and tax
.70 cents
sitll a good deal but not as good of deal as I wanted and of course the other items I went in there for they were out of :)
Trans #2 no pics too tired 2 right guard body wash 3.99
used b1g1 coupon = free
clairsol face ance treatment 2.99
-2.00 coupon .99 + get back 2.00 off coupon
dial hand soap .99
paid 2.22
Note : Mcdonough Walgreens is very more custumer friendly nice staff sales were labeled so no questions asked after talking to the manager there I came home and emailed cooperate about the store in Newnan .
I forgot to mention if u notice there were 1.00 off on the bottle of bodywash. I didnt use bc using the b1g1 was cheaper always use the coupon on product if it comes out to be a better deal. You can save these coupons and use on a later date when u dont have a better coupon