I didnt seperate them out into transactions on the picture but gives you an idea of how many items I got :)
1st Transaction
Allerga 6.99
-2.00 coupon
= 4.99 +6.99 ecbs
so made 2.99
Lysol Hand free 12.99
-3.00 coupon
=9.99 +6.00
AJC double paper
used 9.99 ecb, 5 ecb and 2 ecb
Total = 2.25
I saved: 21.99
Trans #2
12.00 Suave products get back $3
15.00 household products get back $5
I paid 9.33 total and got bac 8.00
I saved 47.35
total trip I paid out of pocket: 11.58 and saved 69.34
and have 8 ecbs for next week
Nice you can get newspapers. Thanks for linking up your CVS shopping trip at Simply CVS.