Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cvs 8.14.11

Quick Cvs trip to spent my 4.00 diaper coupon that was expiring today:)

Huggies diapers  8.99
-4.00 cvs coupn
-2.00 huggies coupn
=2.99  *the funny thing is I have no kids in diapers anymore but still couldnt pass up a diaper sale*

la look gel 2.50
-1.00 cvs coupon
-1.00 man coupon

spend 10 get 4 back sally hanson products
-1.00 coupon
=9.58  +4 ecbs

1.99 nail polish remover
free candy bar cvs coupon

-10 ecbs
saved 21.18
=10.49 got back 4 ecbs