Tips on how to get started:
1. Collect coupons. Where do you get coupons is what I always hear. Sunday papers they sell double papers on Sundays go here to check out next week's coupons coupon preview to determine how many papers to buy. Remember coupons are regional so this isnt a gurantee you will get all the coupons but if you get the AJC you will get most if not all of these coupons. Clipping services also are great to get started by or if you know you need that extra coupon of one item ( you are paying for their time to clip and mail the coupons not the actually coupon), there are many more but thats the one I have used and have experience with.Printable Coupons are a newbies bestfriend you can print 2 coupons per computer ( I have 3 computers in my house so I can print 6 of each coupon) just hit your back button after your coupon is printing. Facebook , manufacture websites,, and are some of the places to print. You will have to download a coupon bar but it is safe ( so your printer can print the barcodes).
2.Organization : Now that you have coupons where are you going to put them. You have many options you can use a file system where you only clip what coupons you need when you make a shopping trip or use a binder. I recommend a file system to newbs bc it is much easier you can see ideas on my previous blogs here: file system or binder method.
3. Preparing your list. Get out your sales ads and your computer. There are many blogs out there to help you. My favorite is I like her site bc you can click and make printable lists with couponmatchups right from her site. So make your list check your ad to double check that the prices are the same. and clip your coupons and print your coupons if using the file method. If using the binder method I prefer to find my coupons and move them to the front of my binder so Im ready to shop.
4. Going shopping. Make sure you know your stores policies: the stores in my area are Publix: doubles up to .50 accepts compeiter coupons and store coupons can stack 2 coupons. Kroger: doubles to 50 cents does not accept compieter coupons. Foodlion doubles up to .60 accepts compiter coupons. Check with each store you shop at and find out their policy.
This is a basic get started guide. Remeber to look for products you dont normally buy if you can get them free or with overage get them and donate them that pack of free +overage baby formula will help a mother out and will help you bc you can apply the overage to your purchase of meat which there are hardly ever coupons for :)
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